Soften your heart for the holidays
For a hard heart will complain
And miss all the beauty that surrounds it
From without and from within
Soften your heart to gratitude
It’s not easy to be grateful when
There is so much to be worried about
But don’t look at it that way
A little softness never hurt anyone
And a softer heart can be profound
Soften your heart and be happy
With yourself just as you are
Like no one else
Uniquely you
Deep inside
A softer heart can always be found
Soften your heart and you may find
That you don’t want a lot this season
Just a happy tune
And a little peace of mind
Little steps is all it takes
To change your rhythm
And deep inside
Is a heart that beats
To the tune of a softer kind
With a softened point of view
Not sharp and jagged
A familiar edge too many hearts
Have grown accustomed to
You might even find
You have more time
And find yourself less haggard
Don’t blame yourself
Just look around
And you might see
With a heart that is softer
Your days fill with tender laughter
As you walk hand in hand
Softly singing to yourselves
The tune of a new rhythm
Holiday moments uniquely yours
Belonging to no one else
With a softened grateful heart
The holidays may be
More meaningful than presents
Underneath the tree
With a soft glow in the fireplace
The day you might start to see
More meaningful possibilities
Ones that were always
Meant to be
Softy spoken deep in the heart
And cherished for all eternity

Great advice based on great wisdom!